Meet the team

Here at Prov, we have a diverse, friendly and passionate team. Some of us have been here since there was just one Prov to speak of, while others have only been here a short while - yet everyone adds their own vibrant personality and unique outlook to the brew!


This is our first “Meet the Team” post, where we get to tell you a bit about ourselves a few team members at a time.


Hi Ellie, who are you?

Since the pronunciation of Ellena seems to be a bit tricky, I go by El or Ellie!

What’s your go-to drink?

I’ve recently fallen in love with Iced Matchas! (Feels like I’ve betrayed coffee a little bit there!)

You started with us just over a month ago - what’s been a highlight of working in Prov so far?

Coffee tasting at Heartland Coffee Roasters. We got to try out a new blend that we haven’t even had in Prov yet!


Hi Zoe, who are you?

I’m Zoey with a “Y” (whoops!)

What’s your go-to drink?

Decaf Latte, with one shot of vanilla syrup and cinammon sprinkles on top… made with coconut milk. Did you get that?

You’ve done your fair share of travelling. If you could book a ticket to anywhere and fly there tomorrow, where would you choose and why?

Switzerland! I’ve been wanting to go there for so long and it looks like something straight out of a fairytale!


Hi Georgia, who are you?

Didn’t you just say my name?

What’s your go-to drink?

A floral Ethiopian filter coffee

What do you use to make your morning brew?

A pistachio green espresso machine (hey, that rhymes!) which I’ve named Dorothy


Meet the team 2


Why we use the best beans in Wales