Prov Blog | Ayla Yoga

Prov Blog is back and we’re talking all things coffee and community with the wonderful Ayla Yoga.

Ayla has been practicing and teaching yoga for several years and is the owner of Ayla Yoga, Llandudno-based yoga teaching business.

As well as enchanting retreats and workshops, many of Ayla’s yoga classes (open to all levels), take place at our ProvSpace studio which transforms into a peaceful and serene space, encouraging mental and physical well-being. Think lush plants and twinkling fairy lights and you won’t be too far out.

In the last 6 months, with the addition of ballet bars to ProvSpace, Ayla has become a qualified barre instructor and now runs dynamic, barre classes from the studio. We can confirm, these classes will make you sweat.

First things first, we wanted to know what Ayla’s go-to coffeehouse order would be,

“My go-to order is a creamy chai latte with almond milk. I love the smoothness, warmth and spiciness of a chai, and the almond adds a delightful flavour.”

Do you have any rituals around hot drinks?

“Yes, I do. Before bed, I enjoy a soothing cup of hot chamomile tea to help relax and unwind.”

Onto yoga and barre! What are the highlights of teaching in the studio?

“Teaching has incredible highlights, one of the biggest being the sense of community created. I’ve had the opportunity to connect with fellow instructors and students, creating a supportive and inclusive environment. This has not only enhanced my teaching experience but also allowed me to continuously grow as a yoga teacher.”

What can we expect to come from Ayla Yoga?

“I will be introducing new workshops that allow students to focus on deepening their practice and gain a greater understanding of the mind-body connection. Keep an eye out for updates on my website and social media platforms for more.”

Lastly, we know so much about you from your classes and fun social media platforms but what are a couple things we might not know?

“I used to be a qualified surf instructor and lifeguard, teaching people how to surf all around the world for 6 years before becoming a yoga teacher. I adore the outdoors for all of my favourite activities like rock climbing, yoga, hiking, and camping in my camper van with my partner, Ruben. Summer is my favourite season.

I have a deep love for animals and currently have a rabbit (Eeyore), but my dream is to have a variety of different animals to care for in the future.”

You can find and book all of Ayla’s ProvSpace classes through our Events Calendar and follow Ayla for all things well-being on Instagram and Facebook.

Keep an eye on our socials for our monthly instalment of Prov Blog or sign up to our quarterly newsletter below for a round up of all the goods fresh from the Coffeehouse.


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